October 28, 2014 // 12:00pm — 2:00pm
Rapid population growth can be a contributing factor to both greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability to climate stresses. Early childbearing, high fertility rates, and short birth intervals are associated with poor maternal and child health outcomes as well as lower educational attainment and work force participation, which directly impede women’s ability to participate and invest in climate change adaptation. However, the positive benefits of voluntary family planning, either for emissions reductions or adaptation, have not figured prominently in climate policy discussions or those related to improving access to family planning.
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To address this gap, the Population Reference Bureau and Worldwatch Institute formed an international Population Dynamics and Climate-Compatible Development Expert Working Group to identify policy opportunities to increase investment in family planning in climate-sensitive development initiatives. Join us for a presentation about the working group’s report and discussion with select working group members.
Jason Bremner
Associate Vice President and Program Director of Population, Health, and Environment, Population Reference Bureau
Karen Hardee
Senior Associate and EVIDENCE Project Director, Population Council
Clive Mutunga
Family Planning and Environment Technical Advisor, USAID
Alexander Ochs
Director of Climate and Energy, Worldwatch Institute
Sandeep Bathala
Senior Program Associate, Environmental Change and Security Program, Maternal Health Initiative
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