Living Planet: Fukushima – 5 years on [Radio Interview]

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Mar 102016

DW.ImageFive years ago, the world was shocked by the news that a massive earthquake had triggered a devastating tsunami along the coast of Japan. Entire villages were destroyed and the nuclear plant at Fukushima went into meltdown. What does the region look like today and where are we at with the push for renewable energy?


El 85% de la electricidad sería renovable en el 2030

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Jul 082015


Esto reduciría los precios en 40% respecto a 2010, según informe

| 08 JUL 2015, 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON.- La transición a un sistema eléctrico alimentado por 85% de energías renovables puede reducir el coste medio de la electricidad en la República Dominicana por 40% en 2030 en comparación con 2010, según un informe del Instituto Worldwatch, presentando en el Ministerio de Energía y Minas dominicano.

DomRepSERlaunch_2015“Esta vía ambiciosa hasta energías renovables haría más seguro y confiable el suministro de energía de la isla. También crearía hasta 12.500 puestos de trabajo adicionales y reduciría las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el sector eléctrico dominicano a apenas 3 millones de toneladas al año, a la vez que haría más resistente el sector de energía a los impactos del cambio climático y reduciría la contaminación local del aire y del agua”, indica el comunicado de prensa sobre el informe Aprovechamiento de los Recursos de Energía Sostenible de la República Dominicana.

El Ministro de Energía y Minas Antonio Isa Conde; el Viceministro de Energía, Ernesto Vilalta; el Secretario de Estado y Vicepresidente del Consejo Nacional para el Cambio Climático, Omar Ramírez, y otros funcionarios gubernamentales de alto rango se reunieron con Alexander Ochs, Director de Clima y Energía de Worldwatch y director del estudio, para recibir el informe.

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PNoy okays resolutions on climate change mitigation

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Apr 232014

PhlInfoAgencyMANILA, April 23 — President Benigno S. Aquino III last month approved two resolutions aimed at mitigating the release of black carbon to the environment and authorizing the design of a sustainable power system for more efficient energy production.

The President last March 25 approved Resolution 6 by the Climate Change Commission, authorizing the dialogue with Worldwatch Institute for the design of

Sustainable Power System: A Roadmap for the Philippines.”

Through the resolution, the Climate Change Commission, which is in the process of carrying out the National Climate Change Action Plan, officially invites Alexander Ochs, director of the Climate and Energy Worldwatch Institute, to discuss his offer to help the country design a sustainable power system. The commission will coordinate with Director Ochs and the Worldwatch Institute through the office of Climate Change Commissioner Heherson Alvarez.

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Global Energy Assessment West Coast Launch

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May 212013

Panel Discussion: Yi Cui, Moderator; Arun Majumdar, Alexander Ochs, Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Robert Schock, Wim Turkenburg, Sally Benson

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May 112012

Last Updated: May 11, 2012

Alexander Ochs
Director, Climate and Energy

Alexander Ochs is director of climate and energy at the Worldwatch Institute, an independent research organization focused on fact-based analysis of critical global issues. Worldwatch’s climate and energy program is dedicated to achieving a transformation of the global energy system in order to stabilize the climate, create sustainable growth, and increase security. Ochs is also the editor of Worldwatch’s ReVolt blog, which explores strategies for low-carbon development around the world.

In addition, Ochs is the founding director of the Forum for Atlantic Climate and Energy Talks (FACET) and a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University.

Ochs was previously a member of the German delegation to the UN climate change negotiations. He has has held research and teaching positions at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), the City University of New York (CUNY), Princeton, Munich University, Freie Universität Berlin, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Focus: AgricultureConservationEnergyEnvironmentFoodScienceTechnologyTransportationGermanyUnited StatesAmericasEurope


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