Despite a growing consensus that support for the oil and gas industry is unfair, inefficient and globally dangerous, there’s no actual implementation of plans to change it.
Applications of ESMAP’s Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META) in the Caribbean Islands and Central America
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 | 12:30 – 2:00pm | 1850 I Street, NW, Washington, DC | Room I2-220
The selection of electricity supply technology is critical for designing new power generation projects, and associated transmission and distribution facilities. These choices are increasingly complex due to the pace of technological change, rapid shifts in equipment and fuel prices, availability of comparable data, and the challenge of reducing carbon emissions.To help electricity policy-makers and planners select the most appropriate options, ESMAP has developed the Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META). The tool provides a comparative assessment of the levelized costs for a range of electricity supply options, including renewable energy.
Chair: Rohit Khanna | Program Manager, ESMAP, The World Bank Presenters: World Bank Group Staff |
The model takes into account changes in capital and operating costs over time, environmental externalities, and transmission and distribution options. This session will present examples of META’s use in the Caribbean Islands and Central America by the World Watch Institute and The World Bank. The session will particularly focus on presenting excerpts from Worldwatch’s work in Jamaica and The World Bank’s work in Haiti. Or, use this link: |