Communicating Sustainability: Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

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Oct 172012

Herausgegeben von: Josef Mantl, Alexander Ochs und Marc R. Pacheco

Nachhaltigkeit muss aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachtet, diskutiert und umgesetzt werden: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Diese klassische Triade bildet den Rahmen für viele Diskussionen und Vorträge, die jungen Menschen, PolitikerInnen, UnternehmerInnen, WissenschafterInnen u.v.m. dabei helfen sollen, sich an die komplexe Struktur globaler Probleme heranzuwagen, diese zu reflektieren, Meinungen auszutauschen und miteinander zu diskutieren.
Das Buch enthält Beiträge von ReferentInnen und UnterstützerInnen der Sustainable Future Campaign, einer Initiative der Hochschulliga für die Vereinten Nationen (Akademisches Forum für Außenpolitik). Das Ziel ist es, Nachhaltigkeit zu kommunizieren, die Bemühungen der letzten Jahre zusammenzufassen und zu weiteren Diskussionen anzuregen.

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Worldwatch’s Ochs to Receive Award Recognizing Contributions to Global Sustainability Research

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Sep 012011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

published, amongst others, at,

Contact: Supriya Kumar,, (+1) 202-452-1999, ext: 510

Washington, D.C.-Alexander Ochs, Director of Climate and Energy at the Worldwatch Institute, will receive the Sustainable Future Award today at an event in Vienna, Austria. The award recognizes Ochs’s contributions to the research of global sustainability issues and his commitment to using knowledge of the world’s social, environmental, and economic trends as a yardstick for political action at all levels.”Alexander Ochs has become a tireless connector of people from the most diverse backgrounds, professions, and nationalities,” said Josef Mantl, spokesman for the Sustainable Future Campaign, which administers the award. “In his writings, speeches, and moderations, his goal is always to improve our knowledge of economic, environmental, and political interconnections; our ability to see more clearly what is going wrong; and our capacity to rethink and act smarter-all in the interest of the environment and people’s quality of life around the world.”

The Sustainable Future Campaign is an international initiative founded in 2007 by the Austrian Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs in coordination with the United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria. Ochs is the second recipient of the group’s award after Marc R. Pacheco, a Democratic senator from the U.S. state of Massachusetts who served as the first Chairman of the Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change of Massachusetts and as a Climate Messenger of former U.S Vice President Al Gore.

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India’s new leadership on energy

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Nov 052010

DelhiWorkshop_2010from: Worldwatch Connect Newsletter Nov. 2010

Worldwatch’s Director of Climate and Energy, Alexander Ochs, recently returned from a trip to India more optimistic than ever about India’s role as a global leader in sustainable development.  Through numerous meetings and discussions with governmental and non-governmental representatives from the Indian energy sector, Ochs advanced the work of Worldwatch’s India Program and laid the groundwork for future partnerships. And he returned with hope and enthusiasm both for India’s promise for innovative leadership and Worldwatch’s potential role in this transition.

This optimism is due in large part to what Ochs observed as a dramatic shift in attitude and approach towards energy resources and economic development in India.  For the past two decades, India has shared the belief with much of the World’s developing nations that they held the right to support development with fast and cheap energy resources. Much like the United States, United Kingdom, or Germany, India would have an industrial age of rapid development supported by abundant and easily-utilized resources like coal and oil, with some regrettable but necessary negative impact on the local and global environment. The  prime goal needed to be quick development at whatever ecologic expense. While this remains a widely-held paradigm, it is no longer driving the dialogue amongst a large portion of India’s policymakers and business leaders. Today, India chooses to take an active role as one of the biggest global energy markets.

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