Alexander Ochs’ presentation to Philippines Climate Change Commission

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Jun 242013

24 June 2013

You can find the ppt presentation [here]

Latin America Enjoys Abundant Renewable Energy but Lacks Policies for Use

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Jun 182013

South and Central America could generate 100 percent of their electricity with renewable resources, a new study finds

By Lisa Friedman, Climatewire, picked up by Scientific American [here] and others

Latin America and the Caribbean could meet 100 percent of their electricity needs with renewable energy, a new Inter-American Development Bank study finds. From Mexico to Chile, countries already are producing higher levels of clean power, but the study notes the region still has a long way to go. Last year just 5.4 percent of the $244 trillion global renewable energy investment went to Latin America. But with Latin America’s economy expected to grow 3 percent annually, the study argues that the region will need to nearly double its installed power capacity to about 600 gigawatts by 2030 at a likely price tag of $430 billion.

The report, “Rethinking Our Energy Future,” will be released today at a Global Green Growth Forum meeting in Bogota, Colombia. It comes amid growing concern among energy experts that the region is not living up to its clean energy potential. (…)

Last week the Worldwatch Institute think tank in Washington, D.C., unveiled a Central America report also showing the region has the resources and the technical capacity to meet all its electricity needs with renewables. But, it argues, governments are undermining their own investments in geothermal, biomass, wind and solar with plans to increase imports of oil, coal and natural gas.

“Central America is at a crossroads,” Alexander Ochs, director of climate and energy at the Worldwatch Institute, said in the study. According to the study, Latin America currently generates about 7 percent of the world’s total electricity production, but demand is skyrocketing as population levels rise and the region’s economy improves. By midcentury, Latin America’s power demand is expected to triple while carbon emissions from the power sector will double. Continue reading »

Global Energy Assessment West Coast Launch

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May 212013

Panel Discussion: Yi Cui, Moderator; Arun Majumdar, Alexander Ochs, Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Robert Schock, Wim Turkenburg, Sally Benson

Worldwatch & REN 21 Policy Briefing 2013

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Apr 252013

U.S. Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ), the Worldwatch Institute, and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) held a policy briefing on the status and future of renewable energy in the United States and around the world.

Featuring commentary by:

Mohamed El-Ashry, Senior Fellow, UN Foundation
Christine Lins, Executive Secretary, REN21
Eric Martinot, Author, Renewables Global Futures Report
Alexander Ochs, Director of Climate and Energy, Worldwatch Institute

You can find the event announcement [here]


Apr 022013

Applications of ESMAP’s Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META) in the Caribbean Islands and Central America  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013 | 12:30 – 2:00pm 1850 I Street, NW, Washington, DC | Room I2-220

The selection of electricity supply technology is critical for designing new power generation projects, and associated transmission and distribution facilities. These choices are increasingly complex due to the pace of technological change, rapid shifts in equipment and fuel prices, availability of comparable data, and the challenge of reducing carbon emissions.To help electricity policy-makers and planners select the most appropriate options, ESMAP has developed the Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META).  The tool provides a comparative assessment of the levelized costs for a range of electricity supply options, including renewable energy.

Chair: Rohit Khanna | Program Manager, ESMAP, The World Bank

Alexander Ochs| Director of Climate and Energy, Worldwatch Institute
Fredric Verdol  
| Power Engineer, LCSEG, The World Bank
Michael Weber  | Research Coordinator, Worldwatch Institute

World Bank Group Staff
External participants





The model takes into account changes in capital and operating costs over time, environmental externalities, and transmission and distribution options. This session will present examples of META’s use in the Caribbean Islands and Central America by the World Watch Institute and The World Bank.

The session will particularly focus on presenting excerpts from Worldwatch’s work in Jamaica and The World Bank’s work in Haiti.

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Pershing to Take Climate Post at DOE After Resigning as No. 2 U.S. Negotiator

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Jan 242013

Jonathan Pershing is resigning as a senior U.S. climate negotiator at the State Department and moving to the Energy Department to serve as a senior climate policy official, the State Department said Jan. 18. Pershing has been deputy special envoy for climate change at the State Department since March 2009, serving as the No. 2 U.S. climate negotiator under U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern and representing the United States at international climate change negotiations. (…)

It is possible that the position will not be continued or will be redesigned under the leadership of Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), said Alexander Ochs, director of climate and energy at the Worldwatch Institute. Kerry has been nominated by President Obama to replace outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (…)

You can find the full BNA Daily Environment Report & BNA Daily Report for Executives [HERE].



Jan 202013

Josef Mantl • Alexander Ochs • Marc R. Pacheco (Hg.)

Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Buchpräsentation und Verleihung der Sustainable Future Awards

Montag 18. Februar 2013, 18.00 Uhr
Marmorsaal Regierungsgebäude, Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien

DI Nikolaus Berlakovich, Bundesminister für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien

Lee A. Brudvig, Gesandter der Amerikanischen Botschaft, Wien

Zum Buch „Communicating Sustainability – Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit in Politik,
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ (Böhlau Verlag)

Dr. Josef Mantl, MA, Sprecher der Sustainable Future Campaign, Wien

Alexander Ochs, Direktor des Klima- und Energieprogrammes des Worldwatch Institute, Washington D.C.

State Senator Marc R. Pacheco, Chairman des Massachusetts Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change, Boston

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Sustainable Energy Roadmaps – Presentation at COP 18 in Doha, Qatar

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Jan 132013

Sustainable Energy for Island Economies:
A High Impact Opportunity of SE4ALL – Vision 20/30

This session, moderated by Nasir Khattak, Climate Institute, presented the global programme “Sustainable Energy for Island Economies,” launched in 2000 and included in 2012 as one of the “high impact opportunities” under the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative, with some panelists showcasing projects from their island states. Continue reading »

Amid Gloomy Climate News, Doha Talks Enter Final Week

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Dec 042012
Rosanne Skirble

December 04, 2012

High level officials from more than 200 countries are in Doha, Qatar, for talks that began last week on the next steps after the Kyoto Protocol, the U.N. climate change treaty expires this year. The ministers arrive in the face of bad news for the planet. A spate of new scientific studies finds worldwide greenhouse gas emissions rising and ice sheets melting rapidly, and predicts a planetary warming of as much as five degrees Celsius by the end of this century unless nations act immediately to reduce their industrial emissions of CO2 and other climate-changing greenhouse gases.  (…)
While hopes are high that the U.S. will take the lead in Doha with new emission pledges, some experts doubt if the Obama Administration has the political support at home to significantly alter its climate policies.  Alexander Ochs, an energy and climate analyst with the World Watch Institute in Doha says the U.S. has its hands bound.
“On the one hand, having this high expectation here of other countries that the United States should be  in a leadership role and on the other hand not being able to move more ambitiously to fulfill those targets and those commitments because of domestic resistance.”
Find the full article [here] and on VOA Online.
You can find the full radio report [here].

Developing Countries Want Wealthier Ones To Increase Climate Finance Pledges in Doha

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Dec 032012

By Avery Fellow, Bloomberg Daily Environment Report, 3 December 2012

Developing countries are seeking increased pledges from wealthier countries for climate mitigation and adaptation financing at international climate negotiations in Doha, Qatar, observers of the talks said Nov. 30. The G77, or group of 77 developing countries within the United Nations, proposed at the 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-18) that developed countries raise $60 billion a year starting in 2013 for “medium-term” climate assistance as they scale up to offering $100 billion a year by 2020, observers said. (…)

Developed countries initially promised to direct at least 50 percent of pledged funds to climate adaptation, said Alexander Ochs, director of climate and energy at the Worldwatch Institute. (…)

Ochs said he did not expect a global deal on climate finance in Doha. “I do not think in this negotiation round we will see a full agreement on how to bridge the gap between 2012 and 2020,” he said. “I’m hoping that countries fill the current gap … [and] individual countries start putting money on the table for 2012 to 2020. But I do not expect a global deal on the issue.” (…)

You can find the whole article [here].

KLIMASCHUTZ: Amerika taugt nicht mehr als Feindbild

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Nov 302012

Die Zeit, 30 November 2012

Auf dem Klimagipfel in Doha sind die USA der Buhmann. Dabei ist Obamas Klimabilanz längst besser als gedacht, schreibt Alexander Ochs vom World Watch Institute.

Für Greenpeace steht fest, wer die Schuld trägt an den zähen Verhandlungen über ein globales Klimaschutzabkommen: Die Delegation der USA verweigere sich auf dem Klimagipfel in Doha verbindlichen Höchstmengen für den Treibhausgasausstoß des Landes. Das Land stelle zudem frühere Finanzzusagen für Klimaschutzmaßnahmen an ärmere Länder infrage und mache auch sonst wenig konkrete Vorschläge.

Tatsächlich sind die Vereinigten Staaten in den zwei Jahrzehnten internationaler Klimapolitik meist als Bremser aufgefallen. Unvergessen ist der Ausstieg George W. Bushs aus dem Kyoto-Protokoll, das sein Vorgänger Bill Clinton noch unterzeichnet hatte – ein in der Diplomatie unerhörter Vorgang.

Auch der ansonsten im Ausland hochverehrte Barack Obama enttäuschte die Klimaschützer. Zu Hause nicht in der Lage, ein umfassendes Klima- und Energieprogramm durch den Kongress zu bringen, unterzeichnete der wiedergewählte Präsident pünktlich zum Beginn des Klimagipfels eine Gesetz, das Amerikas Fluggesellschaften verbietet, ihre Auflagen im Rahmen des europäischen Emissionshandelssystems zu erfüllen.

Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel [hier] oder auf Die Zeit Online.

More Energy for the Negotiations

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Nov 282012

Published in Outreach | COP-18, Doha |  28 November 2012 

Alexander Ochs, Director of Climate and Energy, Worldwatch Institute

More than half of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels for energy supply. Even excluding traditional biomass, fossil fuel combustion accounts for 90 percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Against this background, it is surprising how limited a role energy is playing in the ongoing climate negotiations. And yet this discussion could be instrumental in refocusing the debate about what is necessary and what is possible in both the areas of climate mitigation and adaptation—bringing it back down from the current inscrutable spheres of negotiation tracks, subsidiary bodies, parallel sessions, ad-hoc working groups, and special meetings (which, let’s be frank, nobody outside the negotiators understands anymore).

First, a focus on energy shows how far we are from solving the climate crisis. Energy-related CO2 emissions grew 3.2 percent in 2011 to more than 31 gigatons—despite the economic crisis. We know that if we don’t want to lose track of the 2-degree Celsius threshold of maximum warming that would hopefully avoid major disasters, energy emissions must decline by at least one third to 20 gigatons in 2035, despite expectations that energy demand might double in the same time frame. .

So the challenge is enormous. But—and this is where the good news starts—clean energy solutions are at hand, ready to be implemented. The costs for wind, solar, sustainable hydro, biomass and waste energy technologies all continue to fall rapidly, and, in many markets, they are becoming price competitive with fossil fuels—even if externalities and fossil fuel subsidies are not internalized. If they are, the cost that our societies pay for our continued reliance on fossil fuels becomes truly outrageous: Coal, responsible for 71 percent of global energy-related CO2 emissions, causes more than US$100 billion in local pollution and health care costs annually in the United States alone, in addition to the personal hardships of those suffering from these impacts. Add the costs for climate change, and it becomes incomprehensible why our societies continue down the fossil path despite the availability of alternatives.

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New Report Highlights Link Between Climate Change, National Security

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Nov 132012
by Brian Padden, Voice of America, November 09, 2012 
WASHINGTON — The U.S. National Research Council released a report Friday on the link between global climate change and national security. The scientific study details how global warming is putting new social and political stresses on societies around the world and how the United States and other counties can anticipate and respond to these climate-driven security risks. The report by the congressionally-chartered research group begins with an assertion that global warming is real, and that the mainstream scientific community believes that heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are being added to the atmosphere faster today than they were before the rise of human societies.  (…)
Alexander Ochs, the Climate and Energy Director at the non-profit Worldwatch Institute, says the report is an important reminder to world leaders of the complex problems posed by climate change: “So any investment we can make today in reducing emissions will make the problem smaller and it will pay out multi-fold in terms of the costs we have to pick up in the future,” Ochs said.The report, however, does not deal with how nations should go about reducing carbon emissions in the future.  It focuses on the present and how the U.S. and the world can better manage potentially disruptive climate events.
You can find the full article [HERE].

Obama und Romney ignorieren die Klimafrage – Folgen der Erderwärmung spielen im US-Wahlkampf keine Rolle

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Nov 022012

Von Gregor Waschinski

Washington, 2. November (AFP) – Für einen kurzen Moment lenkte New Yorks Bürgermeister Michael Bloomberg die Aufmerksamkeit auf ein Thema von globaler Bedeutung, das im US-Wahlkampf bislang unterging. Nach dem zerstörerischen Sturm “Sandy” warnte er vor den Gefahren des Klimawandels – und rief zur Wahl von Präsident Barack Obama auf, weil dieser sich anders als Herausforderer Mitt Romney im Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung engagiere. Doch die Wähler sorgen sich stärker um die steigende Arbeitslosigkeit als um steigende Meeresspiegel. (…)

“Der Klimawandel hat im Wahlkampf so gut wie keine Rolle gespielt”, erklärt Alexander Ochs, Direktor des Klima- und Energieprogramms der Washingtoner Denkfabrik Worldwatch Institute. Die Gefechte der beiden Kandidaten in der Energiepolitik seien kaum mit dem Klimaproblem in Verbindung gebracht worden. “Es wurde wirtschaftspolitisch und mit dem Ziel der Energieunabhängigkeit argumentiert”, sagt er.

Ochs ist skeptisch, dass “Sandy” zu einem Umdenken in der US-Politik führen wird. Immerhin sei es nicht das erste verheerende Unwetter gewesen, das die USA heimgesucht habe. “Allein 2012 gab es vernichtende Stürme, Überschwemmungen, Waldbrände, und eine Jahrhundertdürre – alles Wetterphänomene, die mit dem Klimawandel in Verbindung gebracht werden”, sagt er.

Anfang Oktober rief ein Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern Romney und Obama in einem offenen Brief auf, sich in ihren drei Fernsehduellen auch mit den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels auseinanderzusetzen. Ihre Bitte wurde nicht erhört. Erstmals seit Ende der 80er Jahre bestritten die Kandidaten ihre TV-Debatten, ohne ein einziges Wort über die Klimapolitik zu verlieren.

On Climate and Human Change – What Hurricane Sandy Tells Us

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Nov 012012

Re|Volt, 1 November 2012

By now, the heartbreaking photos of neighborhoods swept to sea and a climbing death toll have reminded us all of the immeasurable pain and tragedy our environment can incur. We think of the millions of people who continue to be affected by the storm, the tens of thousands who have lost all that they own, and the hundreds who have lost their lives.

Widespread damage from Hurricane Sandy. (Source: U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Mark C. Olsen via CNET)

Sandy also tells us a lot about ourselves. From a pessimistic standpoint, it shows human failure: our failure to listen to those who understand far better than most of us do the impact of human behavior on the atmosphere, our climate system, and the ecosystems that surround us. While it is true that no singular weather event can be directly linked to human-caused global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – since its establishment in 1988 arguably the most thorough and meticulous scientific undertaking in human history – has reported with increasing confidence that weather extremes will become more frequent, more widespread, and more intense with rising greenhouse gas emissions. The IPCC’s assessments, and those of many other leading scientific bodies, have led prominent commentators—among them Nobel laureates, prime ministers, presidents, secretary-generals, and even movie stars—to call out global warming as this century’s greatest threat. But Sandy demonstrates in dramatic fashion our inability to take more profound steps to tackle global challenges, despite our knowledge that we endanger ourselves if we don’t. Sandy reveals our refusal to take responsibility for our actions and our skepticism that real change (of natural systems as well as of our own behavior) is possible. Continue reading »

Energiepolitische Veränderung in den USA durch die Hintertür

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Oct 302012


Alexander Ochs vom Worldwatch Institute zum Rückgang der CO2-Emissionen

Für Audio Version bitte hier klicken

Das Klima- und Energiepaket von Obama war 2010 im US-Senat gescheitert. Die CO2-Emissionen sind um acht Prozent trotzdem deutlich zurückgegangen. Das läge laut Alexander Ochs vom Worldwatch Institute an der Wirtschaftskrise, dem Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und dem zunehmenden Wechsel von Kohle zu Erdgas. 

Jule Reimer: “Der Klimawandel ist kein Schwindel. Mehr Fluten, Dürren und Waldbrände sind kein Kinderspiel, sie bedrohen die Zukunft unserer Kinder! Und Sie können bei dieser Wahl etwas dagegen tun.” – Das waren klare Aussagen von US-Präsident Barack Obama beim Parteitag der Demokraten vergangenen September. Danach – im Wahlkampf – nahm er das Wort Klimawandel allerdings nicht mehr in den Mund, so wie er auch in seiner ganzen Regierungszeit der Klimaerwärmung keine große Aufmerksamkeit widmete. Überraschenderweise sind jedoch die CO2-Emissionen der USA deutlich zurückgegangen, gegenüber dem Vorjahr um acht Prozent, damit sind sie so niedrig wie vor 20 Jahren. Gestern – noch bevor Sandy die Ostküste mit Wucht erreichte – sprach ich mit Alexander Ochs von der US-Denkfabrik Worldwatch Institute in Washington und fragte ihn, wie diese gute CO2-Bilanz zustande kommt.

Alexander Ochs: Das ist hauptsächlich zwei Dingen geschuldet: zum einen der Weltwirtschaftskrise, die natürlich auch in den USA zu geringerem Energieverbrauch geführt hat. Dadurch gehen die Emissionen aus dem Energiebereich runter. Und zum zweiten ist es einerseits der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die Erneuerbaren durchaus zugelegt haben, sich in etwa verdoppelt haben in den letzten vier Jahren unter Obama, und zum zweiten, dass Kohle zunehmend durch Erdgas ersetzt wird. In den USA wird ja hauptsächlich Schiefergas jetzt gefördert und die Erdgasproduktion ist so hoch wie nie zuvor. Das ist natürlich ein fossiler Energieträger, aber einer, der eben sauberer verbrennt, als es die Kohle tut, und insofern führt dieser Ersatz der Kohle durch Erdgas natürlich zu einer relativ rasanten Abnahme der Treibhausgasemission. Das ist grundsätzlich natürlich zu begrüßen.

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